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Visual Studio Code Tricks

closeQuesto articolo è stato pubblicato 3 anni 5 mesi 28 giorni giorni fa quindi alcuni contenuti o informazioni presenti in esso potrebbero non essere più validi. Questo sito non è responsabile per eventuali errori causati da questo problema.

Different Zoom for every instance

Go to File -> Preferences -> Settings -> Workspace and check the entry Editor: Mouse Wheel Zoom or set "editor.mouseWheelZoom": true

Format code on saving

Go to File -> Preferences -> Settings -> Workspace and check the entry Editor: Format on Save

Undescore not visible on integrated terminal

Change the terminal font size: "terminal.integrated.fontSize": 13

Use a specific version of an extension

In my case for a bug I want to use rust-analyzer 0.2.694 (the current is 0.2.702 but it gives me some trouble) by matkland


Or simply:

  • Click on the settings of the installed extension (gear icon)
  • Click on Install another version
  • Choose the version that you need



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